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OZOBOT: Tech in the Sediment; 12 Ways Archaeologists Use Technology

Actualizado: 8 dic 2021

Why Archaeology is Important to Modern Society

Archaeologists study relics that are hundreds and thousands of years old to understand what historical factors affected our ancestors and how they reacted to them. In many ways, our modern society is a product of how these historical events played out.

However, modern archaeology relies on technology. The days of surveying with the naked eye and digging random plots are over. Today’s archaeologists use soil analysis, lidar scanning, and the Internet of Things to answer questions without damaging artifacts.”

Modern technology improves preservation techniques and also allows researchers to return to a site to answer additional questions. This is actually expanding the role of archaeologists in society. Today’s archaeologists are fighting climate change, discovering how cultures evolved, and using technology to better understand human evolution. Keep reading to learn how technology and archaeology combine to advance our knowledge of ancient civilizations.

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Ozobot is a robotic platform that empowers coding & STEAM education for K–12. We make STEAM simple with 2 Ways to Code: with and without screens.

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